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About Us

Get to know about us


Between the two of us, this is how many cats we've cared for as "ours".


We're not updating this number, because it rises every single day. 


Combined dollars spent caring for our furry friends in their lifetimes


Counting how many times we've smiled because of our cats. We can't
She grew up with her love, Tarchen. When she came to the United States she missed him. After she met Kevin, she longed to share an animal with him. They met Naz outside one day and took her in. Two months later she gave birth to five little angels. They kept three. Their love for their cats has birthed this website. May your love for your pets continue to feed this website. We are Love Of Paws.
Each day thousands of new pet owners struggle to understand what toys and tools are nonsense and which are critical for their pets. We strive to teach you the hard truths. There's not much your pet needs outside of your love, but that also doesn't mean you shouldn't do your best to bring your furry friends a bit of joy. That's where we come in. We're here to help you find the perfect items for your pets. 

Meet Our Cats

Recent Posts

Why Is My Cat Always Meowing At The Door?

Cats and doors. We’ve talked about this habit before. If you’re wondering why your cat keeps meowing at the door, you’ve come to the right place. Our cat Naz is famous for this, and we’re going to discuss all the common issues and quick solutions to at least calm this habit down.  First, Why Do […]

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Why Do Cats Cover Their Faces When They Sleep?

A cat sleeping with their paws over their face is close to the cutest image a person could ask for. And while it’s an adorable pose to walk in on, it begs the question why? Is there an actual reason that some cats love to cover their faces when they sleep, or is it just […]

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Cat Safe Air Fresheners

If you’ve ever been concerned that your commercial air freshener is releasing toxins into the air you are absolutely correct, and it’s critical that your cats avoid these noxious smells.  You may not know this, but your cat's body is already working hard to detoxify numerous pollutants in the air. We love keeping our cats […]

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